Saturday, 16 May 2020

DCC Homebrews - Loptir, Lord of Flames

Loptir is an aspect of flame - the fire which is bound to hearth and home. For those who live within the northern climate where his worship is most common, lighting and maintaining fires is an essential skill. Without heat, there is only death.

Loptir is in every way the opposite of such harsh extremes – he is forgiving, he is merciful and he is kind. Altruism, communal rites, and the ritual consumption of strong spirits are central tenets of his religion. Those who are destined to live in his service receive their missive through visions in the flickering of a solstice fire.

His favored weapons are the short bow and the spear, emblematic of hunter-gatherers.

Special Traits

Lay on Hands

Roll a 1d4 to determine how the ability manifests: (1) the cleric grips her fist tightly above the wound, ashes and embers spilling from her fingers onto it. As the cleric wipes them away, the injury is revealed to be mended; (2) the cleric places her glowing red palms against the wound, searing it closed; (3) skin blackens and peels away, revealing unmarred flesh beneath; (4) air around the target and the cleric shimmers and waves, as though distorted by immense heat.

Turn Unholy

In addition to entities traditionally considered unholy by Lawful deities, clerics of Loptir may turn entities that are diametrically opposed to flame and warmth (for example, a water elemental).

Divine Favors

Ignite: The cleric may coax a spark to life from her fingertips, enough to ignite a small natural fire. This will typically require suitable fuel, such as tinder, oil, or candlewick, as lighting a fire with a match. The cleric must be able to touch the source of fuel in order to light this flame.

Shelter: Once per day, the cleric can seal an erected dwelling (a standing structure, a common tent, a simple lean-to or other improvised shelter, etc) from the elements; wind, rain, and cold are driven from its roof, walls, and doors (if any) for a period of eight hours. Leaving the shelter causes this ability to expire.

Cleric of Loptir Titles



Loptir demands his clerics provide comfort and protection to any in need, and those that fail in this duty are subject to severe censure, often being forced to brave and withstand the elements against which they ward others.

The cleric must appease Loptir by staring into the licking flames for an uninterrupted hour during the next rest period.
The cleric must teach someone to light a fire using rudimentary means. Until this is complete, cleric loses the ability to manifest her divine favours.
Within the next 12 hours, the cleric must dance nude around a bonfire for at least 1 hour. Failure to do so results in the cleric suffering a -2 penalty to all spell checks until the dance is completed.
Cleric is accompanied by spectral flames for 24 hours. Stealth is impossible, and sleep will not be restful.
Cleric must, at nearest opportunity, construct an effigy at least the size of an adult human, and burn it. Failure to do so results in loss of all spellcasting ability until the effigy is constructed and burnt.
The cleric must either donate 100 gp worth of items or eight hours of labour towards providing a community with combustible fuel (ie woodcutting, charcoal making, coal mining etc.). The cleric takes a -1 to penalty to all spell checks until the conditions are met.
The cleric must walk everywhere for the next month; she cannot utilize mounts, wagons, boats, or any other conveyance other than her own feet to travel.
The cleric immediately incurs a -1d penalty to spell checks on the specific spell that resulted in disapproval (including laying on hands and turning unholy, if those were the acts that produced disapproval). This lasts until the next day.
The cleric immediately incurs an additional -2 penalty to all spell checks that lasts until the following morning.
No magic is used without consequence! The cleric immediately loses the ability to cast one randomly determined spell until the following day.
The cleric is ordered to forego food obtained and prepared by others; The cleric must forage or hunt for meals. Every morning the cleric may attempt a DC 15 will save to overcome this prohibition, she receives a +1 if she did not eat the previous day.
Blisters and burns erupt on the cleric's palms. The cleric suffers a -2 penalty to any activity that requires the use of her hands (spellcasting, attack rolls, etc) for 24 hours.
The cleric is disowned by Loptir for 1d3 days. During this period the character cannot accumulate XP and may not gain class levels as a cleric. After the time period expires, the character begins to accumulate XP again as normal but does not accrue “back pay” (so to speak) for XP missed while he was disowned.
The next time the cleric rests, she must do so in the elemental plane of fire. A portal is generously provided by Loptir. She returns the following morning with 2d4 stamina damage. Her night is not restful.
Loptir questions the commitment of the cleric and demands the cleric offer 20% of her personal wealth to a shrine, guild or secret society dedicated to the worship of Loptir.
Loptir requires warmth and light be brought to a forsaken place. The cleric must make a pilgrimage to a ruin or other such abandoned site of former civilization and light a great bonfire within 1d3 days, or else lose all abilities until pilgrimage is complete.
Loptir demands an immediate demonstration of faith. The cleric must burn the sign of Loptir into her flesh using only a hot poker or other crude implement. If it is not possible to obtain such a device, Loptir will provide one. This act inflicts 3d6 damage and 1d3 stamina damage, and requires a DC 10 fortitude save to remain conscious.
The cleric must endure a test of faith. For the next 24 hours, whenever the cleric calls upon Loptir to Turn Unholy, Lay on Hands, or cast a spell the cleric suffers 1d7 points of fire damage as she is overcome by blistering heat.
The cleric must rest on a bed of hot coals for 1d3+1 days. Each rest inflicts a point of damage for each hour spent resting. Failure to do so results in the loss of all abilities until the punishment is resumed.
The cleric has their warmth stolen by Loptir. For a period of 2d8 days, the cleric generates little body heat, and cannot remain warm no matter what efforts are made to that effect. Her move speed is halved and she may not run or charge. In addition, for each day the effect persists, she suffers a cumulative -1 penalty to initiative rolls, attack rolls, reflex saves and damage rolls.

Canticles of Loptir

Level 1: Loptir's Fantastical Firewater

Once per day, the cleric may bless a container of normal water, imbuing it with the comforting warmth of Loptir. This alcohol may be divided into a number of servings equal to 1d6+CL. Those who drink of the firewater gain a bonus which lasts 1 turn/CL. Drinking additional servings extends the duration but does not increase the effect. If a devout cleric of Loptir partakes of the firewater, they may forsake the bonus to instead immediately breathe a gout of searing flame as a breath weapon. This attack automatically hits as long as the target is not obstructed.The effect of the firewater is detailed on the table below. If the firewater is not consumed before 24 hours have passed, it is rendered inert and non-magical.

Cleric Level
Effect of Consumption
Effect as Weapon
+1 Fortitude Save, +1d8 temporary hit points, +1 to saves against effects that inflict cold
Breathes fire at a single target to a range of 10' inflicting 1d6 damage, target must make a DC 10 save vs. Reflex to put out the flames or suffer additional 1d6 damage each round
+2 Fortitude Save, +2d8 temporary hit points, +2 to saves against effects that inflict cold

+3 Fortitude Save, +3d8 temporary hit points, +3 to saves against effects that inflict cold

More to come!

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